
Food & Beverage

Four Management Practices to Ensure Food Safety in Your Kitchen

Ensuring food safety is not just a legal requirement; it's a core element for business success in the F&B industry. Messing up on this front may lead to bad reviews, legal trouble, and, worst of all, losing customers. In the world of chain restaurants, where staying consistent is a must, ensuring food safety standards is even more crucial. This article outlines four essential practices for F&B managers to integrate into their daily inspection routines, ensuring robust food safety assurance in the kitchen. 


It is difficult to standardize inspection protocols across locations

Standardizing inspection protocols across multiple locations is challenging with traditional methods. This inconsistency in protocols can lead to varying levels of compliance with food safety standards, posing a risk to overall brand reputation.

There are gaps between what managers see and what actually happened

The lack of real-time insights during inspections can leave restaurant managers without an immediate understanding of kitchen operations. This can create a gap between when an issue arises and when it is detected, potentially leading to an increase in food safety risks.

It is time-consuming to consolidate inspection reports

Once regional inspectors and store managers have completed their assessments, headquarters must compile and document all inspection results, including checklists and proof photos, from various regions. This labor-intensive task can cause delays in addressing identified issues and taking timely actions.

Four Management Practices to Ensure Food Safety

1. Using standardized inspection checklist across store inspections

The foundation of a food safety management system lies in a well-structured and standardized inspection checklist. Establishing a comprehensive checklist ensures that all relevant aspects of food safety are thoroughly examined and addressed regularly. This includes checking storage conditions, monitoring expiry dates, verifying cleanliness, and confirming adherence to food handling procedures.

In today's industry landscape, an increasing number of management teams opt to go digital with their inspection checklists, as the digital and standardized format provides real-time accessibility and instant updates on store inspection results. This paperless transition not only promotes environmental sustainability but also empowers establishments with actionable insights through data analysis and trend identification.

2. Integrating food safety inspection into day-to-day store operations

Consistency is crucial for food safety management. Implementing recurring inspection tasks to regularly assess food safety practices helps managers proactively identify and mitigate potential hazards in the food preparation process. This approach not only minimizes the risk of contamination but also fosters a culture of vigilance and adherence to food safety protocols.

Using inspection software, managers can streamline operations by automating task assignments and configuring recurring tasks on various routines like daily, weekly, monthly, or custom schedules. This automated process significantly increases efficiency, ensuring a consistent and systematic approach to food safety and allowing for seamless integration of inspections into the regular workflow of the establishment.

3. Installing CCTV cameras in the kitchen to gain real-time insights into on-the-ground activities

The advent of technology has introduced innovative solutions for monitoring food safety. Installing CCTV cameras in kitchen areas facilitates continuous surveillance, enabling managers to oversee food preparation, storage, and handling practices. Real-time monitoring acts as a deterrent against unsafe behaviors and serves as an efficient tool for promptly identifying and rectifying potential issues, thereby enhancing transparency and accountability in the kitchen environment.

4. Utilizing the power of AI to detect food safety risks instantly

AI has revolutionized various industries, and the field of food safety is no exception. For example, by analyzing real-time video footage, AI technology can flag instances where food handlers are not adhering to handwashing procedures or failing to wear necessary protective gear like masks and gloves during food preparation. Integrating AI into food safety management adds a layer of sophistication that complements traditional methods, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the safety protocols.

Empower Food Safety Inspection by Whale SpaceSight

Whale SpaceSight provides robust inspection solutions for F&B brands, encompassing both online and on-site inspection options catering to restaurant operations. To date, over 400 food & beverage brands have successfully integrated Whale SpaceSight into their store operations processes, experiencing substantial improvements in operational efficiency and adherence to food safety standards.

Use SpaceSight to digitalize your inspection process

On-site store inspection has never been easier with the SpaceSight mobile app. Managers can enjoy a streamlined on-site inspection process and receive instant inspection reports. They can effortlessly upload the current checklist, applying it universally for standardized food safety protocols or customizing it for specific stores.

During the inspection, store managers or inspectors need only check at the store location and follow the checklist to examine specific items. There is no more tedious work of consolidating paper-based inspection results from various stores; this significantly saves managers' efforts in day-to-day food safety inspections and store management.

Configure inspection rules to strengthen food safety inspections

SpaceSight's website interface serves as an admin center for managers to configure inspection rules. For example, regional managers or head offices can set up recurring tasks on a daily/weekly/monthly basis to require stores to conduct regular food safety inspections. 

Simultaneously, by restricting photo-proof sources to phone cameras rather than local albums, managers can guarantee the authenticity of self-inspection results, preventing the submission of outdated or falsified photos.

Gain real-time insights with AI-powered video analytics

SpaceSight offers high-resolution surveillance for the kitchen area and equips managers with 24/7 automatic detection of food safety risks. AI-powered video analytics facilitate the prompt identification of improper behaviors, including smoking, inadequate handwashing, and failure to wear a mask during food preparation—actions that could pose food safety risks. Upon detection of such events, SpaceSight promptly sends push notifications to the designated person in charge, ensuring timely issue resolution.

Understand the stores' performance on a concise inspection dashboard

SpaceSight not only generates instant inspection reports but also consolidates all inspection results on a real-time inspection dashboard. Managers can identify the most frequently failed items, assign resolution tasks, and track the status of task resolution during inspections.


Ensuring food safety to protect brand integrity requires ongoing efforts from the management team. Whale SpaceSight is a powerful tool to make management tasks smoother and more efficient. By streamlining on-site inspection processes, standardizing food safety protocols with digital checklists, and offering real-time insights through AI-powered video analytics, SpaceSight stands as a 24/7 management assistant, helping brands in their pursuit of operational excellence.

Whale SpaceSight is used by retail, marketing, and IT teams at more than 1,000 companies worldwide. Whale SpaceSight is at the forefront of retail analytics, specifically designed for physical stores. Leveraging AI and Big Data, our platform delivers real-time analytics that empowers retailers and brands to collect, assess, and visualize essential in-store data. Make informed decisions to enhance customer service, optimize operations, and drive revenue growth.  

Schedule a live demo session with us now to see how Whale SpaceSight can unlock your business potential. We also offer a free trial if our solution fits your business needs.

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